43f Links for 2008-06-01
Merlin Mann | Jun 1 2008
- Best. Paper. Ever. - Miss Conduct's Blog - Advice column with manners and etiquette information - Boston.com - "Thus, when we conclude someone is 'simply a bastard,' we feel both relief (because we have finally hit on a way of interpreting their behavior that makes sense) and guilt (because we feel we ought to have done better)."
- Research Brief: Minorities Dominate Use of New Media - "According to the analysis, minorities have a higher regular usage of new media than Whites across all media types. They are more likely to use iPods, text on cell phones, play video games, use video/picture phones, instant messaging online and watch video on cell phones."
- The Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet - Very handy printable guide with white-hat advice and best practices for pleasing Google without spreading unnecessary cheese. - [via Global Nerdy]
- Research Brief: Online Video Viewing Surges - In March, "84.8 million viewers watched 4.3 billion videos on YouTube.com (50.4 videos per viewer)." Damn. Could you ever have imagined this, even 5 years ago?
- Video Road Hogs Stir Fear of Internet Traffic Jam - New York Times - Related: "Last year, by one estimate, the video site YouTube, owned by Google, consumed as much bandwidth as the entire Internet did in 2000."
- XBMC For Mac: XBMC Turns Your Mac into the Ultimate Media Center - Wowzers! Nice work, Gina. This looks like a go-to solution for using OSXBMC to turn a Mac Mini into a pain-free media center.
- Hacking the Kindle part 3: root shell and runtime system - Oh, sweet fancy Moses: here are some inexplicably undocumented key commands that will so improve yr Kindle world. Kiss me, ragged-right justification! (BTW: ♥ my new Kindle, and am collecting my favorite time- and money-saving tips for a future post)
- 8 fonts you probably don’t use in css, but should - Personally, I'm not so big on Copperplate or Impact, but I'm a fool for Gill Sans. Nobody asked me, but I'd also add Mac-friendly faves Hoefler Text, Futura, and American Typewriter. [via anarchaia]
- We're sorry this is late; we really meant to post it sooner - "Most people's New Year's resolutions are doomed to failure...Most self-help books have it completely wrong when they say perfectionism is at the root of procrastination...Procrastination can be explained by a single mathematical equation" In keeping with my return to posting here, yes: that's meta-research on procrastination. Swish.
And, in passing, a personal note: many thanks to you for your patience while I took some time to see to other projects; my more normal (which is to say, irregular, by most “pro blog” standards) habit of posting to 43f when I have something to share or say restarts now. I’m grateful for your hanging with me.
About Merlin Bio
Merlin Mann is an independent writer, speaker, and broadcaster. He’s best known for being the guy who created the website you’re reading right now. He lives in San Francisco, does lots of public speaking, and helps make cool things like You Look Nice Today, Back to Work, and Kung Fu Grippe. Also? He’s writing this book, he lives with this face, he suffers from this hair, he answers these questions, and he’s had this life. So far.
Merlin’s favorite thing he’s written in the past few years is an essay entitled, “Cranking.”
