Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
LinksJack Kornfield on mindfulnessMerlin Mann | Nov 29 2005SF Gate interviews Bay Area meditation teacher Jack Kornfield:
Kornfield co-founded Spirit Rock and is the author of many books, including A Path with Heart -- I haven't read it yet, but it's been recommended to me by several people as a sensible introduction to meditation and a spiritual path. [ via Ms. Stiness ] 14 Comments
Cyber Monday safe shopping tipsMerlin Mann | Nov 28 2005"Cyber Monday" is a new one to me, but allegedly today is the biggest online shopping day of the year. Yay, capitalism. Get out there, type up some bargains, and have fun; but be sure to shop safe. It's a crazy world, and somewhere there's a 14-year-old Russian kid who needs one more identity theft to buy that Xbox 360. Good-looking tips for playing it safe online: read more »POSTED IN:
Bob Parsons' hardass time managementMerlin Mann | Nov 28 2005"Not so polite" time saving tips — that work. Bob Parsons may not win any awards for congeniality, but I like the way he lays down the law on managing your time -- with a focus on not being a victim of your own phone. This is tough, in-your-face talk, but frankly I think it's time we get tougher with the people who demand our time. In my own opinion, you'll never get out from under until you learn to seize back control of your phone and your email inbox; that's the the two places where the world will never stop hollering for your attention; it's up to you to say "no," and hit delete. After all, if you don't respect how you parcel out your time and attention, why should you expect anyone else to? A few of Bob's observations: read more »POSTED IN:
Ev Williams: Achieving balance with GTDMerlin Mann | Nov 27 2005evhead: Ten Rules for Web Startups Ev's ten rules for a startup are all strong, but #10 particularly caught my eye:
Right on. Slightly off-topic, but on my I commented earlier today, I'm finding myself increasingly uncomfortable framing techniques like GTD strictly in terms of "productivity" (although the ability to be more efficient and productive is definitely a nice perk). GTD fights stress not by transforming you into a drone or a brainless corporate cog, but by affording a framework for recovering and maintaining smart focus. What you do with that focus is entirely your affair -- clearly people will use it for everything from building a very swell startup to managing their music career and beyond. Gratefully, nowhere does The David say you have to turn into an enormous-toothed White Guy running sales seminars at the La Quinta Inn. In any case, when we're doing GTD right, Ev is right on the money: balance is sewn into every stitch of your week. Even two years into using GTD, I have to say I'm still pleased -- and sometimes even surprised -- at how well it still works for me. Whenever I fall off the horse, I'm usually just a mini-review away from feeling retuned to my priorities and commitments. I agree with Ev; it's powerful stuff. I do wonder if there's a better term for GTD's goals and methods than simply "productivity" or even "time management" What do you think? Does it matter? POSTED IN:
Paul Ford: Distraction commentary on NPR's "All Things Considered"Merlin Mann | Nov 23 2005NPR : Distracted No More: Going Back to Basics Paul Ford's guest post from last month evolved into an excellent commentary on tonight's All Things Considered. Go Paul. read more » POSTED IN:
Les Orchard: Envisioning a Tiger/Tinderbox mashupMerlin Mann | Nov 16 2005Still Seeking an Exploded Tinderbox for Tiger » Archive » Blog » 0xDECAFBAD Les has some very cool thoughts about a "Tinderbox for OS X": read more »POSTED IN:
Mike Mahon: Whacking the stupid out of his systemMerlin Mann | Nov 16 2005Wow. I love this practical outline of stuff Mike Mahon does to get things done. It's primarily a list of useful life-hacky stuff that helps him keep it together, but it also repeatedly brings the funny: read more »POSTED IN:
Track keywords all over the place with MonitorThisMerlin Mann | Nov 11 2005Your ability to ego-surf yourself (or, I suppose, just track a favorite "non-you" topic) is now a lot easier. read more »POSTED IN:
Gina: "There is no perfect personal organization system"Merlin Mann | Nov 9 2005Geek to Live: How to find the perfect productivity tools - Lifehacker Gina nails it in her overview of how she evaluates and chooses tools. read more »POSTED IN:
Mark Morford on de-cluttering (and the SF reuse culture)Merlin Mann | Nov 4 2005The always-enjoyable Mark Morford has a cure for the clutter in your life that doesn't involve gnashing of teeth or the intervention of a TV show. He calls it getting rid of stuff. read more »POSTED IN: