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Map Folding: Building a Weekly Plan

I've sometimes struggled to cover the middle ground between high-level project planning (What projects do I have? and When are they due?) and ground-level daily execution (Call Jim; Draft Report; Fix CSS align in right rail nav). I've noticed that I'm often disappointed—not with what I accomplish in a given day—but with how far I've moved a project forward by the end of a working week.

At the same time, I have to confess a small frustration with the Getting Things Done notion of a "next action": if I'm really scrupulous about capturing every next thing I know I need to do, I end up with an unusably long and unstructured list (remember: my work is mostly one big "@online" context). At the same time, I try to be good about not putting too many to-dos in my hard-landscape calendar. So, while I know the raw materials for focused work are all there, I sometimes find it challenging to make meaningful clusters of activity from them without re-thinking everything five times a day (I mean, isn't that the point of planning ahead?).

To soothe my farting brain, I've started playing with an idea for setting weekly goals for myself derived from what David Allen calls the "moving parts" of a project. This is easy enough for me, since I usually start the week with a pretty good idea of what needs to be done by the upcoming Friday. By then breaking out the necessary weekly outcome of each moving part, I can produce and track a focused set of next actions. Here's an example of how the first part might work.

Project Moving Part Weekly Outcome
Spacely Sprockets Redesign Redesign Recommendations Doc Completed 1st draft to Annie & John by Friday
Spacely Sprockets Redesign Phase 3 Budget SWAG Email to Sue by Friday
Slate Construction Short Competitive Analysis Summary Integrate Bonnie's comments & edits, send to Phil by Friday
Slate Construction Site Review Start basic run-through (doc due to Sam & John next month some time)
43 Folders MacWorld Meetup Finalize location of Meetup and post by Friday
43 Folders New Articles 2 new posts by Friday

Like most productivity hacks, this might seem superfluous at first, but I think there's a method in here somewhere.

Remember that nagging voice yammering about all the things you knew or suspected you had to do? And remember how much better you felt the first time you put it all down on paper? Well, I suspect that something along these lines can have a similar effect on your weekly productivity (and stress levels). By setting weekly goals, you ensure that the most important moving parts of your projects get the right attention when they need it. You're still free to capture to-dos and to review your full list of next actions whenever it suits you, but a weekly plan provides a middle-term vision for staying on track.

You're also still okay to field the inevitable interruptions that tommygun your day. Now, though, once the emergency passes, you have a super-focused list to which you'll return with almost zero ramp-up time. A daily review of the moving parts list lets you make changes or renegotiations as warranted. Faster slips mean fewer slips and quicker recoveries.

Also, as I said yesterday—and heretical as it is to the classic GTD mojo—I really like the idea of writing a daily to-do list. It seems like the modest time investment is really worthwhile for days when you know what needs to be done in general, but where you'd like some help keeping track of what's still on your plate before you go home.

I guess I look at all of this like a tourist with a street map. If you visited San Francisco for the first time, you wouldn't walk around holding open a 3′ x 4′ street map. In addition to attracting the wrong kind of attention, you'd have to re-filter lots of unnecessary information each time you just wanted to see which cross street you were approaching. Since you're a smart tourist, you'd fold the map until it exposed just the 1/2 mile chunk of downtown that illustrates your current vicinity. When you got close to leaving that piece of the map, you'd refold and expose the next bit. That's really all you're doing here. The full set of options and obligations is still in place, but you're hacking your attention to stay trained on just the immediate vicinity and the path that takes you where you want to go.

Denrael's picture

I'm seeing two messages here....

I'm seeing two messages here. First is the idea that with a large number of todo's there is a desire to narrow it down to a few to work on in a day. I think that's ok. For example, I am trying to have a "power hour" every morning where I spend my time focused on accomplishing a few things before the world interupts. One of those things is a mini-review, not at the project level, but at the task level to understand what I need to work on that day.

The other side of the coin sounds more like people aren't really defining next actions. For example one comment was "Revise that paper for 1 hour." If that is the logical next step then it shouldn't be listed as Revice paper, but as "revise for 1 hour" or complete revision of first 2 pages...whatever is a logical chuck of work to tackle at a single moment. That has been the biggest revelation to me. Whenever I see something on my list that I mentally push back on, I ask myself if it really is refined down to the very next element. Keeping things as simple as possible is what is allowing me to succeed. It means a lot more updating of the list, but I live in an interupt driven world, and it's better to have things defined as elemental as possible.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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