43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Everyday tips from MonkeyFilter

MonkeyFilter | Everyday Tips

An assload of handy (and sometimes hilarious and asinine) everyday tips. Some NSFW. Here’s a few of my faves:

  • When you drop a small object, like a pill, DO NOT flail about trying to catch it; instead stand still and watch it land. Half the time trying to catch it means it bounces off you in some bizarre direction, or that you don’t see where it actually goes.
  • Keep an old blanket in the car. It can be used for spontaneous picnics, sleeping in rest areas, and covering up the random homeless person who looks cold.
  • To kill off weeds between bricks or in the cobblestones on your street, mix half-and-half white vinegar and cheap dish detergent and squirt it in the joints.
  • Hot water in a spray bottle will get most small bugs off plants, such as aphids.
  • A two-liter soda bottle can be used to keep celery fresh. Cut off the top and put a little water in the bottom, then stand the celery stalks in it in your fridge. Use the cut-off top as a funnel to fill your spice jars with bulk spices (way cheaper than buying them in bottles) - the mouth on a two-liter is about the right size for smaller jars.
  • If you have to leave something (luggage) unattended and don’t want it stolen, try drawing a large chalk circle on the ground around it.
  • Separate your laundry into their respective washload piles (whites, warm colors, cold colors, whatever) when you take them off, so you don’t have to bother on laundry day.
  • When waiting for the tube, look out for the faded white line along the platform edge - it’s more worn cos that’s where most of the doors end up stopping.

[Link: John Bergmayer]

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Everyday tips Weblog 43 Folders picks...

Everyday tips

Weblog 43 Folders picks good posts out of a recent thread at MonkeyFilter discussing "Everyday tips:" To kill off weeds between bricks or in the cobblestones on your street, mix half-and-half white vinegar and cheap dish detergent and squirt it...




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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Scared Shitless

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