43 Folders

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Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Vox Populi, 2005-10-13

Recent sites suggested by you guys.

Will Findlay wrote:

Remember The Milk

Innovative AJAX To-do list web application that launched two days ago. Free. Already well-polished even though in beta - excellent keyboard shortcuts. Well thought out design - allows text-messaging reminders and collaboration.

Steve McFarland wrote:

"A Filing System Users Swear By"

CNet reports on a popular filing methodology in Japan, where folders are organized by how frequently they're used, not by topic. The system includes fancy terms like "envelope buffer" and "holy files," so it's very nerd friendly.

[Merlin responds: Yes, thanks for this! I added this to my del.icio.us a long time ago and was glad for your reminder.]

[via Boing Boing]

Bill Barnes wrote:


We "booktalk" a different book every Sunday, and since my wife and I had just finished GTD (and started getting things done) it was a natural. I learned about GTD from 43folders, and wanted to thank you as it is already making my life a happier place.

Jonathan Rubinstien wrote:

Interview of Matt Cutts

In a recent interview, Google software engineer Matt Cutts mentions his hipster PDA: "I carry a hipster PDA (a little notebook from Office Max that costs like $1.09) so that I can write down stuff when I'm away from a computer."

Peat Bakke wrote:

Peat's Books - Used Book Search

This is the sort of nifty thing I like about web services: being able to create a website that gets straight to what I want, without drowning visitors in superfluous stuff.

In this particular case, I've built a search engine that finds used computer books on Amazon -- like the O'Reilly handbooks, or PHP programming guides. It's pretty simple. No banner ads, no graphics, just used books. :)

John Infante wrote:

i d e a * i d e a - How to Bubble Map - drawing your To Do the stress-free way -

I found this from another blog. It's about using a "bubble map" to create a to-do list which allows you reduce stress by seeing the relative size of projects/next actions and being able to attack your to-do list based on energy or time available; creativity required; or in order to reduce your stress. I think it fits in well with the "dash" posts that have been appearing recently.

The rules are simple, so suggest a site.

Also: do we like this "ganged" format? Seems like separate posts would get noisy. What's your preference?

Update: 2005-10-13 15:09:06

Let's put it to a vote.

Nick Moffitt's picture

I think the choice to...

I think the choice to move to a ganged format is a side-effect of poor layout choices made on the main page. If your front page were less cluttered and allowed room for the actual entries, you might not feel compelled to hide all your interesting information behind the cut.

By the way, that Japanese filing system is one that I've used in all sorts of contexts. It's a common computer science data structure called an LRU or MRU list. Usually you keep an LRU or MRU as a linked list of pointers, and move used items to one side or the other. It's useful in OS design for things like memory management, where you re-use old chunks of memory to store cached copies of on-disk data. So imagine that instead of pulling the folder off the shelf, you use the contents as scratch paper or something.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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Merlin used to crank. He’s not cranking any more.

This is an essay about family, priorities, and Shakey’s Pizza, and it’s probably the best thing he’s written. »

Scared Shitless

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