43 Folders

Back to Work

Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

Join us via RSS, iTunes, or at 5by5.tv.

”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Blowing up my pager

You can't spell "success" without "suck." A technology update full of laughter, tears, and Yosemite Sam-like hollerin'. And you might just learn something.

This is just to apologize both to you guys and to my very patient hosts, A2 Web Hosting for the assiness brought on by my perfect storm of events this past few days.

  • moved to the very fine Wordpress (bang bang bang went Señor CPU; thanks for saving my ass, WP-Cache!)
  • me dicking around with Mint, Pepper, and about a dozen random WP plugins (bang bang bang goes Señora SQL)
  • more than doubled page views per visit with the redesign (damn.)
  • an imperial assload of hand-crafted 301s (the equivalent of washing a barrel of rice one grain at a time)
  • NYT story
  • Digg link
  • moving a gig and a half of just html and graphic bandwidth each day
  • you magnificent bastards generally turning out in unusually high and wonderfully supportive numbers (you rule!)

So. Yeah. The server's suicidal, and I'm hiding all the sharp stuff.

Anyhow, I'm working on upgrading to a whiz-bang new account that will afford the CPU, space, and bandwidth needed with maybe even a bit of room to grow.

Please accept my apologies--both retroactive and speculative--as 43 Folders grows into our awkward, pubescent frame.

A Transparent Plug

A2 Web Hosting has been nothing but great to me since the day I first decided to play with Ruby. They have Rails/PHP5/Fantastico, etc. accounts starting at $4.95/month and they apparently put up with choads like me. So there's that.

Please consider patronizing them if you need a web host (plus I get a spiff if you use them, as well. Talk about win win!)

Kat French's picture

I have changed my poor,...

I have changed my poor, obscure little blog's CMS a grand total of (drumroll, please) FOUR times in the last year trying to find something I liked. (Yes, I suffer from ADD a bit.) Started out with Wordpress, switched to phpWebsite, then test drove Nucleus for a while, and eventually was wooed back home to WordPress.

The plugin availability is rich and stable, (particularly for Open Source) it's incredibly flexible, and my whites have never been whiter.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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Merlin used to crank. He’s not cranking any more.

This is an essay about family, priorities, and Shakey’s Pizza, and it’s probably the best thing he’s written. »

Scared Shitless

Merlin’s scared. You’re scared. Everybody is scared.

This is the video of Merlin’s keynote at Webstock 2011. The one where he cried. You should watch it. »