43 Folders

Back to Work

Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Real Simple: Plugging money leaks

Money-Saving Secrets: RealSimple.com

This article from the March, 2006 Real Simple has some handy tips on plugging the "money leaks" in your life. Leaks to plug include:

  • Paying bills by snail mail
  • Paying the minimum on credit cards
  • A cell-phone plan that doesn’t match your needs
  • Eating out on vacations
  • Frequent trips to the ATM to withdraw moderate amounts of cash

Nothing earth-shattering, but it's sound advice if you're looking for a modest change to get a bit smarter about money.

[Subscribe to Real Simple on the 43F Store]

TOPICS: Links, Money, Tips
Brent's picture

my tips would be: -...

my tips would be: - get a friend who works for and ISP to give you free broadband internet - get your wife to get a second job - pay the minimum amount of rent you possibly can by living in a 1940's era house in the outer suburbs an hour's drive from work. - don't ever give your dad back any of the $12k he leant you when you bought your car. - use contraception in the early period of your marriage so you don't have two kids before you're ready... d-oh!! didn't quite make it on that one. - don't ever go on holidays so you won't be tempted to eat out while you're there. - if you have to holiday either a) camp but don't put any money in the box, or b) join your parent's in law at their cabin in the country. - try to eat as much meat as you can when you visit your parent's house for weekly family dinner... that way you don't have to buy it yourself. - likewise for beer. - have friends who are willing to give you their 'old' pc's when they upgrade. - get your sister to sign you up on the goverment-employee phone plan she has access to because she sometimes does work for a university. - NON-frequent trips to the ATM so you don't get charged $2 each time you withdraw money.




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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