Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Open Thread: Leopard Preview
Merlin Mann | Aug 7 2006
Apple - Apple - Mac OS X - Leopard Sneak Peek Like most of you, I'm keeping an eye on today's previewed features of the upcoming "Leopard" (OS X 10.5) release. Looks like some interesting ideas -- many of which, as usual, seem inspired by existing third-party products. I think I'm most intrigued so far by the idea of "to-do" functionality from within (thanks for the tip, Matt); let's hope that also means I can deep link to a given email from my iCal task list. I also welcome the concept of built-in email templates -- although I'm kind of bummed that they seem more focused on execrable 1999-style HTML emails than on the kind of functional time-savers found in the peerless MailTemplate. To be honest, on first blush -- and I'm sure there's much more to come by the time of release -- this feels a bit cute and a little light on really revolutionary stuff (the long overdue promise of something like Time Machine notwithstanding). Stuff like (yet. more.) iLife integration is handy enough for the notional Swithcher and Grandpa Joe, but in general I guess I'm hoping for some serious power-user improvements to the core functionality. Maybe that's just me. What do you think? What's "Yeah!" and what's "Meh?" Anybody else holding out hope for some really deep Finder rewriting and more functional iCal updates? Other coverage55 Comments
![]() most of my thoughts on...Submitted by nex (not verified) on August 7, 2006 - 11:12am.
most of my thoughts on this have already been posted by others here (i totally agree with eric's comment), and i'd feel a bit dirty for shamelessly copying my comment that i already posted at over here (but head there if you're interested ;-). just one more thing: i don't think time machine will impart a big performance hit. many of the more performance-intensive tasks time machine has to do are already done by spotlight. OTOH, i'm worried for this exact reason: spotlight only lets you search media that are currently mounted. it works well enough if you like to have all of your data on hard drives, but it doesn't help one bit for a large collection of backups scattered over many CDs or DVDs. what i'd really want from spotlight is searching all my files and being told which medium i have to insert to actually access the files i want. similarly, i won't be impressed with time machine as long as it just gives up as soon as my external HD is filled up. i want the option of moving older stuff off to DVDs, or tapes, or other HDs, without removing them from the index. iTunes and iPhoto suffer from the same problem. if there's any way to move a part of your iPhoto library off your computer wihout removing it from the iPhoto library, i haven't found it yet. with time machine, i'll have at least the option of just deleting older stuff from iPhoto after having it backed up -- essentially what i do now -- and later getting it back in there -- as i do now, but with metadata, ratings etc., restored. a step in the right direction, but a tiny step. » POSTED IN: