43 Folders

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”What’s 43 Folders?”
43Folders.com is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.

Whats your my documents schema?

Hi All.

I had a computer crash the other day, and whilst I am waiting for my data to be returned, I thought it would be a great opportunity for some spring cleaning of my files. I know that there are a lot of you that are far more organised than me so I thought I would share my ideas about the optimal folders schema that will work for me. If any of you can suggest improvements, I would love to hear your suggestions.

Heres the schema(ps I give this as complete creative commons so do with it what you will!)
I have attached the folders as an image.
If there are any great changes I will add them in and zip it up. to share.

Lachia's picture

sub-sub folders

I do use some sub-folders under those I listed, but those are very very specific within the parent folder. For instance If you went into my University parent you would find the previously given list... then if you went into the PhD sub folder you would find the following:
-fall 2005 traffic pictures
-spring 2006 traffic pictures
-summer 2006 traffic pictures
-fall 2005 traffic results
-spring 2006 traffic results
-summer 2006 traffic results
-summer 2006 game field pictures
-summer 2006 game field results
-summer 2006 verdure results
-Plot plans
-Paper research

There are also some misc flotsom floating around within the PhD folder, but not much...if there's too much noise I can't find things easily (though I do have spotlight, it really is just easier for me to go look myself than looking through spotlight results). So I may be over-organized in that way, but I'd rather have 7 folders with 1 or two files in them than 20+files floating in one folder.
Does that help?
good luck!!




An Oblique Strategy:
Honor thy error as a hidden intention


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