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Fountain pens and ink?
mcnicks | Apr 30 2006
Another pen question! I have been experimenting with rollerball type pens and I just cannot settle with them. I have a terrible tendancy to squeeze my pens and place too much pressure on the paper, and anything that encourages me to do that is out. So I have decided to experiment with fountain pens. The first major stumbling block I have is being left-handed. That means I am likely to encounter issues with writing angle and with smudging. However, at least I know that fountain pens require much less pressure to write with, so I am willing to give a few a go. So far, I have unearthed an old fountain pen of mine and some even older ink. After a bit of a clean, it is writing fairly well and, as long as I keep my wrist rotated, I can write legibly without smudging everything. The main problem is that the profile of the pen, where the cap fits, requires me to hold it a bit too close to the nib, which pulls my posture in and brings my hand round to smudging territory. Its still nice to write with, though. I am now on the lookout for fountain pens that write well at different angles, and that are not averse to being pushed across the page by left-handers. I am also hoping that fountain pen inks may have improved over the past 20 years (yes, the last time I dabbled with fountain pens was when I was a teenager). Do any of you have any suggestions? David 72 Comments
How many Noodler's colors have...Submitted by a11en on May 5, 2006 - 4:02pm.
Flexiblefine wrote:
How many Noodler's colors have you used? I've been using Waterman Florida Blue for years, and I'm considering switching to Noodler's so I can have some permanence. (Florida Blue is labeled "washable" -- which in my experience means it comes off paper easily, not shirts.) I've used 3 now... (I know, that's not a lot)... Bullet-proof Black, Legal Lapis, and Fox Red. Love 'em all. Nice deep thick ink, easily writes on the page... my nibs felt smoother with the ink. They are very hard to take off paper (if you can even) when they're dry. When wet, they'll still leave a mark, but it will be dependent on how long they've sat before washing. On anything other than cellulose, it's dependent on how much "plastic" is in them... shirts that are blends may survive much better than cotton. BTW, almost a whole bottle of Legal Lapis does actually come out of a carpet quite nicely... [don't ask] There's one fault with them- they creep up on the nib top near the vein (wrong wording I'm sure)... but a quick wipe with a tissue takes care of the problem... and really, doesn't affect the flow or writing at all. Just doesn't look super-pretty constantly. :) I could see this possibly being tricky to clean easily under a 51's hood... but I'll let you know when I get one. ;) [BTW, what sort of price should I consider to be good for a reasonably flaw-free aerometric?] Quote:
Thank you for helping to clear up some of my confusion! It's a bit tricky to find information about FP's out there... there's no perfect place for info. :) So, I appreciate it when someone who knows their stuff corrects my mistakes! Thanks! Quote:
:) All good things. I'm still on the look out for a good price and a nice color... black or burgundy would be nice... Canadian would also be cool... :) My home-land... Quote:
I'll remember that! Thank you!! :) Yum yum... more goodies to try with my FP. BTW, how are the levenger 3x5's with FP's? Does Levenger use really good paper? (they should at their prices) » POSTED IN: