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How Hard is MobileMe Really "Pushing"?
Merlin Mann | Jul 16 2008
Apple's MobileMe Lacks True Push Syncing - InformationWeek
You may have shared my slack-jawed gape and consequent fistbump when Phil Schiller's WWDC demo of MobileMe [free iTunes link] implied magically fast, truly instantaneous syncing. Because that's really hard to do well -- and implying MobileMe would enable such a thing suggested mighty technological leaps over the previous .Mac service, whose sync skills and reliability were famously uneven at best. While most of us won't see our lives fall apart if true Push is not happening on MobileMe, it's still disappointing that Apple implied they were solving a complicated and thorny problem vs. simply speeding up the frequency of syncing via an existing method. FWIW, this weekend I informally tested MobileMe's syncing skillz on two Macs, "the old iPhone," and via apps on the MobileMe site. Mostly this consisted of creating calendar items with unique date and time stamps and seeing how long it took for them to show up on the different devices. Let's just say the two Macs were, far and away, the pokiest syncers for both incoming and outgoing events. Mostly I guess I'm just bummed that this wasn't the sufficiently advanced technology that it seemed. I'm sure there's room for improvements and enhancements to MobileMe -- and God know what it took to get that thing out the door in the midst of last week's shitstorm -- but I'm disappointed in Apple. I don't mind the RDF -- a lot of times, it's a fun place to hang out for an hour or two -- but playing fast and loose with terms that mean something in the market they're trying to penetrate is not cricket. Elsewhere on this » Blog Archive » Apple’s MobileMe - Push or in sync?
MobileMe not so pushy - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
MobileMe's Push Services Detailed, No Mac to MobileMe 'Push' - Mac Rumors
The Question to YouWas Apple playing lawyerball with the term “Push?” Is this just a marketing disappointment, or are you missing functionality that you were counting on? Is a 15-minute syncing adequate for your needs? And what had you taken away from the MobileMe demo at WWDC? Was Mr. Schiller’s explanation accurate of the service you received? Jump to starting around 1:07:00 of the WWDC Keynote to decide for yourself. Update 2008-07-16 09:00:04 PDT Excerpted from a customer email sent an hour ago:
Classy, well put, and mostly well-explained. Plus, as Dan Moren mentions in comments, they're tossing in a free month of service, owing to a .Mac -> MobileMe transition that was "rockier than we had hoped." Thing is, it still doesn't help me understand how some of the most competent engineers (or is it marketers?) in California knowingly chose to call this functionality something that it clearly was not. That still bugs me. 29 Comments
There's a greater problem...Submitted by Lighthouse 365 on July 16, 2008 - 9:14am.
Merlin You are so right about this. My daughter got a new mobile phone which I dumped quickly in address book on a new card. Later I merged the two cards in address book to tidy up and pressed sync. Imagine my horror to find that on mobile me it now had my daughters name but no details at all, not even the old ones. I pressed everything, synched several times, tried to look for preferences to reset contacts to no avail. A day or two later, after leaving mobile me open for a while, it appeared like magic. If Apple had said "It takes 15mins" then I would have been fine. The most simple definition of push is push. You do it and it appears - surely that was the promise. I'm OK about it now but more cynical. And the greater problem? Many of my clients are still using Win NT and IE6 - now I cannot reach mobile me at all unless I bring my own laptop and data card. If I use their network I'm effectively locked out of dotmac. It looks pretty but on first experience it's actually made the cloud harder to use, not easier. » POSTED IN: