Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
New model: Moleskine Reporter Notebooks
Merlin Mann | Mar 18 2005
Moleskine Reporter Notebooks, MoleskineUS Drool. Spanking new Moleskine reporter notebooks look really nice. Can’t wait to pick one up for myself. Looks like they’re very similar to the old-school classic Moleskine, but with the flippable top-binding and a vertically-oriented accordion pocket. The immediate improvement I can see would be for writing in cramped places—like the top of your thigh while riding the bus. I wonder if the binding allows it to flip over completely without damaging the spine. Anxious to hear what other folks think of these. Anyone tried them yet? Disclosure/Plug: MoleskineUS purchases made via our site help support 43F. 47 Comments
![]() @vish: if another company were...Submitted by JoshD (not verified) on March 19, 2005 - 8:17pm.
@vish: if another company were making less expensive, threadbound, acid-free notebooks that held up to backpack abuse for less money, I would so be all over that. But until I see public disclosure of Moleskine's profit margins, I'm somewhat skeptical of claims that they're making "too much" money off the brand. How much is that? Do you have information about that? Because I'd be genuinely interested. (Not aimed at vish) I have to say, I'm as skeptical of knee-jerk reaction against trends as I am of reflex action in the other direction, moleskine notebooks included. You don't like something because other people do? Wow. Great. You're still a fucking lemming. I shell out for a $10 moleskine... once, maybe twice a year. And that's because, of all the sketchbooks and notebooks I've tried, it scans best, because it lays flat on the scanner, and it holds up under incredible amounts of abuse. This is not true of the composition book, the $1.50 spiral bound notebook, and the I-forget-the-brand sketchbook I've used over the last two and a half years. Go ahead and sneer. If I find something better, be certain I'll say something about it. » POSTED IN: