Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Tips from the Wiki for watching less TV
Merlin Mann | Oct 17 2005
There's a good, evolving page on the Wiki with tips for Watching Less TV. Some of the most immediately useful advice comes in the "Dealing with channel surfing" section:
I used to smugly think TiVo was my salvation, but I now realize how often I'm sitting through yet another C.S.I. or King of the Hill--shows I love, but that I have seen a half-dozen times and now just treat like a constantly-replenished bowl of video M&Ms. Seems like the distinction in quality is subtle when any activity becomes rote; casual media consumption that's becomes automatic or compulsive could probably use a bit of reflection and possibly pruning. 20 Comments
![]() I'm currently trying to tweak...Submitted by Andrew White (not verified) on October 18, 2005 - 4:28am.
I'm currently trying to tweak my TV experience as well. Two things I'm doing: Using Freeguide to bookmark favourite shows, and only view sets of channels that have good content, like History, Discovery, Space, and the local Toronto channels like Rogers and City or TV Ontario. Messing about with The Pirate Bay's RSS feeds and Azureus to grab shows I want to watch via BitTorrent. (BTW, I'm talking about current episodes here, not snagging DVDs of shows or anything). I might muck about with iTunes, because I'm actually willing to pay for this, but until TiVo comes to Canada my only recourse is BT. I watch on my PPC and Gameboy (with Movie Player), and will hopefully be modding my XBox soon so I can watch on our solid home theatre set up. This allows me to be more selective and deliberate about what I watch. Problem is, though, my big problem is coming home and throwing on the TV while I cook, or getting sucked in while my wife is cooking and watching TV. Haven't figured out a way around that yet. » POSTED IN: