Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Open Thread: How are you using tabs?
Merlin Mann | Oct 17 2005
I live in browser tabs. Whether I'm in Safari or Firefox, I'm constantly sending links to a new tab ( But, by far, my biggest gains come from the numerous tabbed bookmark sets that I keep in my favorites bar. These include:
I've also got tab sets for finances, 43f stats, news sites, friends' blogs, and even a set of about 10 pages that comprise the theme templates I use most in WordPress (makes for super fast editing sessions). So. My question to you is: How are you using tabs and tab sets? Anybody doing sexy fu with Saft? Safari Stand? Tabbrowser Preferences? Open thread, so tell us your best tab tricks and tools in comments. 37 Comments
![]() I agree with Kevin, the...Submitted by Rob (not verified) on October 17, 2005 - 6:28am.
I agree with Kevin, the "queue" is useful to open links while surfing, to later file in It is almost a methodology that changes the very way you look at the web. Somehow, things open like pages in a notebook instead of looking at seperate packets. It is also easier to correlate things and find common threads in your browsing, no more lag time that sometimes allows precious thoughts to escape your mind (lag from glancing down and identifying which window has what topic and then dragging your mouse down to click then look up and review what you were looking for). It allows quick access but adds to the amount of information overload we receive. Indispensable during del.icio sessions and google news. Life w/ tabs is better than life w/o tabs. Most are use to reading top to bottom/left to right and tabs allow the eyes to settle easily on what is available instead of down at the bottom of the screen. And, you don't move the mouse as much (standard ways of multi-tasking IE windows are drastic mouse movements and alt-tabs) which I find much more efficient. » POSTED IN: