Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Can we learn from the proximate candy jar?
Merlin Mann | Oct 20 2005
Science tackles candy nibbling: clear containers close by get patronized more often than opaque containers a bit further away.
Sure, no duh, right? Put candy out and people eat it. Big whup. Well, maybe. But try processing this from a slightly different angle. I'm no white-coat researcher, but I wonder if this partially confirms what a lot of us have suspected all along--that the things we put into our sight line and within our easy reach get the highest attention, interest, and usage (cf. sticky notes, photos, and labeler in my case). While we can and do go "blind" to anything after repeated exposures, I like that I might be able to use this "candy jar" principal (inversely) to try and build a good habit or just keep something important on my radar screen. Like my friend Maggie says, you are what you frequently do; and, I suspect, you internalize what you frequently view. (Especially if it's candy.) [ via Boing Boing/Pesco ] 11 Comments
![]() This is why my savings...Submitted by Bruce (not verified) on October 21, 2005 - 6:13am.
This is why my savings plan comes out of my paycheck BEFORE I get my hands on it. Although I'm intellectually aware that I can spend the money that's in the bank, it's not right in front of me demanding to be combusted. If I ever forget which trees I've hidden my nuts in I'll be in trouble, but banks are pretty good about sending statements and stuff to keep you aware of your account status. » POSTED IN: