Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
AskMe: How to become an eccentric (or just look like one)
Merlin Mann | Jul 13 2006
Suggest eccentricities for me to adopt | Ask MetaFilter From a fun AskMe thread:
This reminds me of that stage where teenage girls randomly start to affect a terrible british accent, or when college freshmen suddenly stop wearing shoes and take up raw foods and the shakuhachi. Of course, this is not to say that I haven't had ideas of my own. ’Fess up: what was your goofiest affectation and what made you stop it? Clarification (2006-07-15 10:20:20): The "In my quest..." portion above is a quotation from the link that is referenced; it's not actually me asking for help to (God forbid) become more eccentric. This confused some people, and, well, I regret your confusion if you have any and hope this clarification helps. -- The Management 98 Comments
I've worn odd socks every...Submitted by IllusionaryLunch (not verified) on July 13, 2006 - 2:15pm.
I've worn odd socks every single day since I left High School (where a uniform was required). I have a big drawer full of coloured socks - red ones, orange ones, blue ones, green ones and so on. Every day I grab two differently coloured socks - usually one bright and one dull - to wear for the day. When people ask me why I do this I tell them either that "...I have a pair just like them at home..." or that it makes the socks "...last twice as long...". Both sentences are true if you really think about them. » POSTED IN: