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Vox Pop: What we talk about when we talk about "priority"
Merlin Mann | Feb 12 2007
Since the Bronze Age of personal productivity, conventional wisdom has taught us the importance of priority in deciding how to plan and use our time. And, in the abstract, anyhow, that notion of putting your time and attention into those things that are the most valuable to you seems so "obvious" as to be a tautology, where "productivity = acting on priorities." (Of course, whether people's execution of the things they claim are important always maps to their stated intentions is another matter for But, we can probably agree that in the post-Lakein world of productivity and time management, everything from Covey's Quadrants to the Pareto Principle to the four criteria to -- what? I dunno -- firewalking, has been used to help us train our attention on the things that need us most and provide the greatest value in our world. Priority. But, in practice, what the hell does "priority" really mean? I come at this from the angle of a GTD fan, in the sense that I try (try, mind you) to see priority as one of several factors that govern where my time can and should go. But, it's no secret that even the most diehard GTD fan struggles with how to execute a busy day during which this and this and this and, oh crap, **that** all need to be done as soon as possible. How do you manage it all? Well, one way is to apply some of the many affordances that various productivity tools offer: priority stuff is big, and it's red, and it's bold, it's at the very top of the list, and it's stuck on a sticky note in the middle of the monitor; anything to make sure we don't lose our most important work in the lights. So my question to you guys: what does "priority" really mean to you in practice (not theory)? Does it represent the highest value item in your world -- that for which you will reject other work? Is it the thing that's currently causing the most stress and anxiety? Or is it the thing that you're the most behind on and are therefore the most horribly embarrassed about? What makes you set an item's priority to the "high" setting, and then how does that help it to get done faster? Does priority planning ever fail you? I've got my own theories, but I want to hear what you guys think in comments. (And, of course, my apologies to the late Raymond Carver.) 40 Comments
![]() I'm a litigation attorney. ...Submitted by Paul (not verified) on February 12, 2007 - 9:47am.
I'm a litigation attorney. My priority system has to be pretty flexible. Here's what works for me: To begin with, anything in the "this needs to be done by this date or I lose my job" category, whatever you want to call it, is published for me on a firm-wide calendar maintained by paralegals. That part is easy. The trick is to decide how to deal with everything else. I try to respond to phone calls, letters, and email the day I get them. Longer letters, like a settlement offer or a detailed letter about a discovery dispute, may take more time than I can give them that day to finish, but I try to get them started so that they can go into my work in progress stack, which is a pile of plastic folders at the top left of my desk. Something that I was doing even before I read about the formal system mentioned in a number of places in this site. The plastic folders have added bonuses in a litigation firm where you need to keep documents with exhibits, prior drafts, etc. and hand them around among secretaries and other attorneys. In the binder with my timesheets, also on my desk, I also keep a handwritten list of undocketed things to do that I am committed to doing soon or am in the process of doing (phone calls that I need to prepare for first, etc.) but that don't have an associated work in progress folder. Think of this as "active tasks without a folder." This list is for phone calls, email, discussion agendas, and research that I will report on verbally. I try not to use it for collection of other tasks, but if I am in a rush and end up doing this I interpret the entry as "start of folder for x" or "enter x in your main todo list." Basically, I have two "contexts." Writing (including letters) and other forms of communication (including email). A list of things that I plan to do but don't have time to do right now are kept in my main todo list, which is a text file, with the entries in a form that is based on the codes that attorney's use to keep their timesheets, like this: Jones pp ltr opp counsel re settlement Smith pp br msj [hold] (pp = prepare, ltr = letter, br = brief, msj = motion for summary judgment, opp = opposing) This is easy to sort by client, and the billing codes, in addition to being fast to type, also make good grep candidates if I'm in a GTD mood and want to, say, knock out some phone calls that I've been putting off (tcw = telephone conference with, em = email). You could put dates at the front or back of the line (depending on how you wanted the list to sort), but I don't find soft dates especially helpful. I try not to make work product commitments more than a week out, two at the most, so it is manageable to keep track of this in my active work flow. This may work better for me than for other people because so much of my work has hard deadlines associated with the litigation schedule, though. I make a point on a weekly basis of scanning through the whole list and bringing some things into my active workflow, especially things that I have been putting off. The trick is to keep the "active, in progress, immediate commitments" category narrow enough that I can prioritize and reprioritize on the fly. » POSTED IN: