Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
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Vox Pop: What's your "Mac Whine?"
Merlin Mann | Feb 28 2007
We've started a new feature over on MacBreak Weekly that I really hope becomes a regular thing: "_Mac Whines_!" Yeah, sure, I'm an unapologetic Apple fanboy (I, mean duh), but some stuff about my Mac experience makes me crazy. Have you got a beef with your Mac or OS X you want to shout from the shiny counter of the "Genius" Bar? Yeah, me too. I'll open with:
What's your Mac Whine? 191 Comments
![]() @Honza: This is what I'm talking...Submitted by Frinkytown (not verified) on March 9, 2007 - 12:30pm.
@Honza: This is what I'm talking about when I said that "Mostly what you hear (from pretty much everyone, it seems sometimes) is how great Mac OS X is, and what a piece of crap Windows is."
It is, in some ways. But I think a lot of Mac people overstate both the goodness of the Mac, and the badness of Windows. To whit:
This is one you hear a lot about: the Blue Screen of Death. I can only speak for myself, but I don't think I've gotten a BSOD once in the last five years. Yes, with Windows 95/98/Me it was pretty common, but not so with NT in its various incarnations (NT 4/2000/XP/Vista). Also, the claim that Windows machines restart a lot, or have to be rebooted a lot, just doesn't jibe with my experience. Yes, sometimes programs crash, or hang, but you can almost always kill them without requiring a reboot, or even a logout. Again, that may not have been true of 95/98/Me, but Windows NT is very stable, in my experience.
Again, I can only speak for myself, but I've never had a worm or virus do anything (that I know of...) to my Windows machine. And I don't even use antivirus software. Yes, you have to make sure you keep your machine updated, and you can't go running executables that unknown people send you, but other than that...
Huh? Mac users are just as vulnerable to phishing scams as anyone else. Scriptkiddies usually take advantage of machines that aren't up-to-date (see above). And trojans require the user to do something unwise, like running a program from a non-trustworthy source. So if you are even vaguely computer-savvy, you shouldn't have problems with any of these things on Windows. Yes, I'll acknowledge that the Mac is more secure than Windows (at least, more secure than XP). But Windows is not nearly as insecure as many Mac users seem to think. And the fact is that a lot of the applications that I need to run are Windows-only. And that is, maybe, the biggest point in Windows favor: A software ecosystem that almost strictly dominates that for the Mac. Major software houses can ignore the Mac and still turn a profit. It's a lot harder to ignore the OS that's on 90% of desktops... Also, the Finder-equivalent on Windows works well enough that you don't need a third-party solution. Or at least, I don't find the need for one. » POSTED IN: