Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
Merlin’s weekly podcast with Dan Benjamin. We talk about creativity, independence, and making things you love.
”What’s 43 Folders?” is Merlin Mann’s website about finding the time and attention to do your best creative work.
Roughly Drafted: 5.1 audio on Apple TV
Merlin Mann | Mar 30 2007
Ten Myths of the Apple TV: 5.1 Audio Via my internet puppetmaster, Brian Hogg, comes another very good (and very long) piece from Daniel Eran on the Apple TV that runs down some of the details on 5.1 audio and attempts to clear up some ongoing confusion about what works, what doesn't, and why.
I don't personally have a 5.1 setup so I have no way of verifying this, but I'm curious what you audiophiles are discovering -- especially given that some of the Scott Bournes out there have cited lack of 5.1 audio as one reason for holding out on an TV purchase. Any luck getting 5.1 working satisfactorily with your Apple TV? Is the lack of 5.1 content on iTS a dealbreaker for you? 19 Comments
![]() [...] This article from Daniel...Submitted by Big Trousers » Apple TV and 5.1 audio (not verified) on April 1, 2007 - 1:47pm.
[...] This article from Daniel Eran on the capability of Apple TV in relation to 5.1 audio is lengthy and concise. Thanks to Merlin Mann who has a vested interest in the technology working properly now and who is in opposition to the Scott Bourne’s of the podcast world. I think Merlin or Ze Frank could be the stuff that makes the Apple TV type device a real winner. Just as Dire Straits helped make the CD a standard for audio by being one of the pioneers of digital recording. When “Brothers in Arms” was released most CD’s were produced by recording on analogue equipment then mastering as digital. The quality of that CD made me look for material that was recorded digital. It makes sense that as more people have HD screens and and AppleTV they will look for 720p content online. At present the podcast is the best bet to find it. [...] » POSTED IN: